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Field-First React Form Validation

Where your form validation and UI code live together in harmony.


Field First

Consolidate your UI and validation logic in one location - your fields.


Headless & runtime agnostic

Use HouseForm in any React supported environment, from native apps to the CLI.


Zod Powered

Easily setup complex validations for your form fields.


Flexible API

Mix and match which validation methods work best per-field.



HouseForm has a bundle less than 4KB GZIP in size.



Our benchmarks have us on-par or faster than common alternatives.


Corbin Crutchley's avatarEduardo Pratti's avatarMichael Matuzak's avatarJames Perkins's avatargitname's avatarChasingRain's avatarJonas D.'s avatarShivan Sivakumaran's avatarCarlos's avatarJoão Pedro Magalhães's avatarOrlando Benjamin's avatarMostafa Gouda's avatarErik Simon's avatarSeth's avatarJoost Schuur's avatarRene Dellefont's avatarAnon Jindawong's avatar

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