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Array Field Item

An ArrayFieldItem is a helper used to validate sub-items in a FieldArray. An example ArrayFieldItem usage is:

<FieldArray name={"people"} initialValue={[{ name: "Bob" }]}>
  {({ value }) => (
      {, i) => (
        <FieldArrayItem key={`people[${i}].name`} name={`people[${i}].name`}>
          {({ setValue, value, onBlur }) => (
              onChange={(e) => setValue(}

Array Field Item Props

namestringThe name of the field in the form.
listenTostring[]A list of form field names to listen to. When a listened field updates it's value, it will trigger the relevant onChangeValidation change detection. Useful when making one field depend on the validation of another.
children(props: FieldInstance<T>) => JSX.ElementPassed FieldInstance, expected to return a JSX element.
onChangeValidate() => Promise<boolean> or ZodTypeThe validation logic for when the user has changed the field value. Either a Zod type or Promise. If resolved, no error is passed. If rejected, rejection string is set as an error.
onBlurValidate() => Promise<boolean> or ZodTypeThe validation logic for when the user has blurred the field. Either a Zod type or Promise. If resolved, no error is passed. If rejected, rejection string is set as an error.
onMountValidate() => Promise<boolean> or ZodTypeThe validation logic for when the component is mounted . Either a Zod type or Promise. If resolved, no error is passed. If rejected, rejection string is set as an error.
onSubmitValidate() => Promise<boolean> or ZodTypeThe validation logic for when the user has submitted the form. Either a Zod type or Promise. If resolved, no error is passed. If rejected, rejection string is set as an error.
onSubmitTransform(value: T) => any or ZodTypeThe transform function for when the user has submitted the form. Either a Zod transform or Function. The form will receive the transformed value instead if set.
memoChildany[]An array of items passed to the inner useMemo which helps prevent re-renders on the field array item.